Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Pace Buses: Connecting Communities

First question:  When's the last time your rode a bus?
Second question:  When's the last time you advocated for better transit services?

Pace Suburban Bus Service has been doing some great community outreach lately, thanks in large part to Lake County Community Foundation.  Last night I attended the first in a series of community forums to learn how Pace plans routes and stop locations and hear more about how they're working to update tech options for their passengers.  Good news - they're working on an app!  There are even some stops that have QR codes on the bus shelter that you can take a picture of with your smartphone, and it will tell you what time the next bus is coming.  Follow the Pace Facebook page or check out their website for more details on this and other new projects. 

The most exciting part for me was definitely overcoming my (ridiculous) fear of taking my bike on the bus.  It's kind of intimidating if you haven't done it before, and I was so sure my bike was either going to get run over because I put it on wrong, or I'd just embarrass the heck out of myself trying to figure it out and take forever.  But, so you never have to worry about that, my friend Maggie helped me make a how-to video: 

A friend of mine pointed out that some cities have way cooler versions of this instructional video.  Here's a challenge for us:  make a better one.  This is my FAVORITE: 

Pace is also looking to develop a "pulse point," or a bigger bus hub in downtown Waukegan.  I'll keep you posted on their ideas and when the next public meeting will be.  Until then, happy bus riding!

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