Tuesday, March 20, 2012

ArtWauking and PediCab-ing it

Saturday was one of our monthly ArtWauks in downtown Waukegan and I had a blast!  There was no place to park downtown (sold out shows at Clockwise Theatre and the Genesee Theatre all weekend) but it didn't matter to me!  I just walked downstairs from my apartment and had tons of cool stuff to do within walking distance.

Will giving us a ride.

And for those who wanted a ride, my friend Will started the Waukegan Bike Project a year ago and this year their newest initiative is pedicabs!  I drove one around for a few hours and I will tell you, roads that don't seem like hills when you're biking by yourself are HILLS when you're giving people rides.  I promised some of my poor riders that they could get their next ride from a more experience professional pedicab driver, but I'm gonna keep at it - it's a good work out for sure!

Downhill is a lot easier.

And in other news, I just completed my Principles & Practice of New Urbanism course!  The University of Miami School of Architecture has a great program and I learned an incredible amount about how to implement New Urbanism concepts in our neighborhood planning.  I'll tell you pedicabs are just a part of it, and there's lots more coming to downtown Waukegan!  Come down and check it out.

(Oh, and I sometimes forget this blog is about Lent because not driving isn't seeming like a sacrifice.  I'm really just enjoying the opportunity to tell you all what I do all the time without a car!  Not to mention, with all the money I save from not driving a car, paying insurance, or buying gas.  Hint:  it almost all gets re-invested in my neighborhood economy here.)

1 comment:

  1. You were an AWESOME pedi-cabbie! Izzy and Katie loved their ride!!!
