Sunday, March 11, 2012

"How far would you walk for a lemon?" A post from my mom.

Hi, Violet. Thank you for inspiring us to walk instead of drive.

This morning, the sun was shining and the temperature was a warm 70 degrees, so I decided to make iced tea. Sadly, we were out of lemons. What to do?

There used to be an ad campaign for Camel cigarettes, and the slogan was, "I'd walk a mile for a Camel."  We decided it would be silly to drive to Jewel for a lemon. It made me start to think, "Would I walk a mile for lemon? What WOULD I walk a mile for?

I knew that North School was 7/10 of a mile from our house, since I checked it once (ironically, with the car) when I used to walk some of you to school. So Dad and I decided to walk to Cribbs to get a lemon. It took us sixteen minutes to walk there (instead of ten minutes to drive to Jewel), while enjoying the air and checking out our neighborhood. We decided to take the road less travelled and avoided North Avenue. As a result, we noticed for the first time a house decorated with a display of about thirty bowling balls in the front yard. I'm also happy to report that we had sidewalks all the way there.

By the time we returned home about forty minutes later, the famous Lake Michigan winds had shifted and backyard temperature had dropped to  60 dregrees, but we still enjoyed the fruits of our labor and drank our iced tea in the yard before coming back in to warm up!


1 comment:

  1. You rock and walk, Carol!
    From lemon-loving Madelyn
