Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Walking Home

So, some of the things that people who live here already know:

It's really cold walking/Wauking home down Genesee Street in February.  We get that same beautiful "lake breeze" that Chicago gets - meaning the wind off the lake is really freaking cold.  The cool thing is that I got to walk home from the fabulous Big Ed's after the meeting and I had a really great time.  Mardi Gras beads and everything.  So excited to figure out how this all translates into a lifestyle I'm pretty close to already.

We're really close to Lake Michigan.  I can see it from my apartment and that's even more awesome in summer but right now, at night, it just seems freezing cold.

I need to figure out how to talk Taqueria Guerrero into staying open later because I forgot to eat dinner today and we're super close to getting downtown Waukegan to translate itself into a later-in-the-evening kind of place, but I need more people to want ceviche and chorizo tacos at 11pm.

Sometimes people ask me if I feel safe walking home alone at night and I wonder exactly what they're worried about...  I can only assume it's that they're concerned I will encounter people asking for money or cigarettes (don't worry, I know all the regulars down here by name and they're cool) or something, but frankly I have the opposite problem. I get to talk to nobody when I'm walking home.  Don't worry, I'm working on getting more people to live by me.

Beyond all that, it's a nice walk.  Lake view.  Cool art in a lot of the windows.  Super cool restaurants that will open in... 9 hours?   A very nice apartment with all the stuff I need (NEED - working on comprehending that), friends who can be here within minutes, family a (very cold) 15 minute walk away, train station that has a couple more trains out if I decide I need to be in Chicago, buses that can get me... some places.  It's all good.

Lent, I am so ready.

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