Saturday, February 25, 2012

It snows during Lent.

My sister took this picture in
front of our parents' house
and I'm smiling crazy because
it was really, really windy.
Biking is fun and healthy and free and all those good things, but biking in the snow is something else.  I rode my bike to my friend Tarah's house yesterday for a delicious lunch (she's a fabulous cook!) and it wasn't too far - just about 2 miles, but it took me way longer than it should have because I kept having to stop and figure out how to get around/over/through piles of snow at sidewalk edges.  I have a new appreciation for people who shovel their sidewalks on busy roads, and how I've always thought we have an amazing public works department in Waukegan that does a great job on the roads, the sidewalks and driveway edges are another thing entirely.

Chicago actually has a program to encourage business owners to shovel their sidewalks - you can read more about it at  They recognize people who do a good job keeping sidewalks clear for pedestrians with a "thank you for shoveling" sign, and I'm convinced we should do that here next winter.

I'm deciding I like the bike better than the bus because my couple bus trips so far have been fine but I'm just too impatient.  I do realize that there are people who don't even have the option of a bike and that's a luxury too - I was thinking about this last night when I was reading tweets with the #firstworldlent and completely couldn't stop laughing.  It's stuff like "I will only use one social networking website during Lent" or "giving up all non-local craft beer."

I guess the short answer is that there have been very few things so far that I haven't been able to do without a car.  Friday morning I did make a pre-arranged exception to carpool with my parents to a reception for an award, but it was a 30 minute drive to a place off the bus route.  I honestly don't know how I would have gotten there otherwise.  To be technical about my Lenten commitment, I'm just not driving myself, meaning that I can be in a carpool, which I think is still pretty in line with the whole thing.

I did get to lock my bike to a bike rack for the first time (instead of a tree or a light post) when I was at at City Hall yesterday afternoon.  It was even covered by a roof so when it was snowing my bike stayed dry.

Another thing I want to point out: if you who rely on public transit or your bike as your primary means of transportation, winter doesn't change that.

Good news for me though - everything is close by.  I had a delicious brunch at Jerry's Tacos this morning and tonight I'm going to a show at the incredible Genesee Theatre.  Things are good.  

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